Thursday, December 1, 2016

How Do I Convert CM KSAM to NM KSAM

How Do I Convert CM Ksam to NM KSAM?

Suprtool can't/won't create a new NM KSAM file for you. You will have to create the new NM file first using the MPE BUILD command (or some other method, see below), then use Suprtool to copy the records from the old file to the new file.

But Suprtool should definitely be able to copy the data *much* faster than MPE's FCOPY utility could.

The trick, of course, is getting a new NM KSAM file built correctly first. You could use a complicated BUILD command or you could do this:

 :file n=newfile; disc=
 :fcopy from=oldfile; to=(*n); subset=0,1

That will create a new NM KSAM file called NEWFILE with the FLIMIT equal to the FLIMIT of your current CM file, and with all the keys set up correctly, but will copy only a single record into it. Then use Suprtool:

 >in oldfile
 >out newfile, erase

Finally, if it's a big KSAM file you may wish to create it as temporary first, then SAVE it after you're done, to squeeze even more speed out of the process:

 :file n=newfile; disc=; temp     <<-- Note the temp designation
 :fcopy from=oldfile; to=(*n); subset=0,1
 >in oldfile
 >out newfile, erase
 :save newfile

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